Alennus - Hiustenhoitotuotteet
A blend of herbal extracts that are effective in regrowing hair and preventing hair loss. This product is patented by Herbs of Kedem. Gadal promotes hair regrowth by penetrating the hair follicles, blocking 5-alphareductase and thus preventing the formation of dihydrotestosterone. The results improve with continuous processing. When the treatment is stopped, the hair may gradually fall out again.
More than 50% of balding men under the age of 40 got hair back in bald areas after 3-4 weeks of use. During the next two weeks, the product promoted the hair to grow thicker. For bald men aged 40-65, the results were not as good as for younger men.
In women, especially during hormonal changes, the product completely stopped hair loss within a month of starting to use the product.
Hair loss occurs most often in spring and autumn. During this time, it is recommended to use the product together with Nikuzit detox tea and Raama serum.
The product is also useful for hair loss caused by cancer treatments, but only after the treatment is finished. Also helps restore eyebrows.